Did Pink Slime Flip the Election?

Did Pink Slime flip the election?
Investigative reporter Miranda Green says the “pink slime” newspapers mailed to voters in swing districts helped sway the election.
Pink slime journalism is bad information that poses as real news but lacks substance or context.
Pink Slime exploits a crack in the news ecosystem. With local news sites falling around the country, local people still want information, and Green said, “Pink slime steps in to fill the void.”
Research has found that for the online pink slime sites, it can be little because some seem to clearly fake like this: https://centralndnews.com But the papers they send, and buy are a different story. One example – Fossil Fuel Interests Are Working to Kill Solar in One Ohio County. The Hometown Newspaper Is Helping.
Listen to Miranda Green discuss how pink slime was sent to voters during the 2024 election.
*The information ecosystem will be key in all future elections*